Complete guide on Video Marketing.

Recently video marketing blew up and everybody’s talking about it.

So now, every company out there that wants to stay up to date are turning their efforts to video marketing. 

It’s no news that videos are the most consumed content on the internet because they quickly catch the viewer’s attention.

On January 2018, a survey showed that 85% of US internet users spend their time watching videos, Saudi Arabia ranks first with 95% of users. 

Even Facebook now favors video content on posts or regular pictures because they make users spend more time on the app. 

Now video content just seem all the more attractive doesn’t it?

But how can you actually make an interesting video? 

It’s not like all videos on the web are easy to consume, there are so many videos out there that people just scroll over and ignore since they’re that bad, or just not interesting.

Even though turning your attention to video marketing is a good idea, learning how to start effective video marketing is what you should be learning. 

A survey conducted showed that 79% of people claim a brand’s video has convinced them to purchase what they’re offering.

That’s a very promising strategy if you’re looking for a way to increase sales and the financial performance of your company. 

If you play it right, you might actually make some of your videos go viral and see your traffic increase by double, triple or even more. 

So if you’ve finally decided to dive in the video marketing world, and finally be up to date with this era, then here are my 5 tips for you:

  1. Come up with a strategy
  2. Do your research
  3. Be creative
  4. Your niche matters
  5. Maximize the full potential of ads.


1. Come up with a strategy 

Before creating your first video ever, you need to start thinking about a strategy to follow.

So many people just start creating content with no prior research and that’s where they go wrong.

Creating a strategy is not as easy as it seems, and certainly not a step to ignore in search of other answers.

It might be the most overlooked step, but it’s one of the most important.

To come up with a strategy you first need to list down your goals. 

These goals need to be SMART: 

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Actionable 
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

This means you need to list down specific goals with details, not only general points that can be real, doable, actionable and time-bound so that you can hold yourself accountable.

You need to list down short-term goals, and also long-term ones with the deadline you’re ought to respect, this way you’ll take this more seriously.

2. Do your research

Research is very important for any type of content, be it blogs, be it scripts or be it a simple post on Facebook.

Research means that you need to look for any information related to the content you want and analyse it.

If you’re a cooking channel then you need to research the recipe you’re working on and detail the milligrams, pounds, lbs of every ingredient in your recipe to make it accurate.

You also need to make sure you put some side notes of ingredients that can work as a substitute for what’s included in the recipe, or include a variation of the recipe to make it easier for the viewer.

This is what I mean by research, this example of cooking content goes well for any other content, whether you’re a real estate company or any other type of service. 

The script needs to go over all the points you want to discuss without being too wordy or too boring, the storyboard needs to be fun, eye-catchy and overall enjoyable. 

3. Be creative

Now with video content on the rise, sometimes you get to see ideas being recycled and shared over and over by different companies or services.

If you’re looking for a way to make your content viral, then you need to be creative, now more than ever.

If you come up with new content and new ideas, the users will more likely be intrigued and more interested in the idea which will help in making it viral. 

If you’re looking a way to be creative, then simply check trends on social media platforms and think of an idea that revolves around these trends.

This will help your content look new, fresh and trendy as well, which will impress more people.

Or if you don’t wish to follow trends, then you should be the one to create one for it to be an everlasting property of your business and help you gain more recognition. 

4. Your niche matters

Sometimes companies are more indulged in what THEY like and find interesting and forget the customer’s point of view.

This is really dangerous for your marketing campaign and video marketing because whatever content you create, it should be more customer oriented than company oriented.

So for video marketing to be eye-catchy you need to get to know your niche and customers better, find out what they like, don’t like and want to see.

If you unlock what they actually want to see on their feeds then you pretty much unlocked your video marketing plan. 

Find out what your competitor use as video marketing, how your potential customers find it and interact with it, and what they DON’T like.

Finding out what’s to their likings and what’s not will help you create customer-oriented videos and avoid everything they find unpleasing. 

5. Maximize the full potential of ads. 

I’ve got a secret way for you to maximize the full potential of ad = influencers. 

Whether you’re a big business or a smaller one that’s only starting, there are many different influencers for you to team up with. 

Nowadays, thanks to all these social media platforms, being an influencer became much easier, some have a smaller audience, some bigger, some have loyal ones, some not that much.

You get the picture, so if you want to make your ads efficient and bring more traffic and more audience, then collaborating with influencers will help you attract their following and even other ones. 

And with all these options of ads on platforms, you can even customize what kind of people you want to target based on their gender, age, country and so much more.

So with these options, your success is guaranteed.

If you have any other suggestions to maximize the effectiveness of ads, then leave them in the comments.