Top 10 Reasons To Hire An Explainer Video Production Company

When you are looking to push your firm to greater heights and producing a new explainer video in the process, there are a lot of things you need to take care of. One of the key aspects of these is to choose the right explainer video production company.

An explainer video helps in elaborating the details of the site, product, and the firm. So, when you are looking to procure more clients in order to push your business to greater heights, you will need an animated explainer video as this will help in capturing the attention of your target audience. Here we give you 10 of the best reason which will convince you to hire an explainer video production company ASAP.

1. Time is Money
If you sit down to make the explainer video yourself, it is going to entail a whole lot of time. The smarter solution is to ensure that you can devote the same time to other tasks and let a professional make the best animated explainer video for your firm. If you are not a pro at making videos, you would simply end up spending too much time and this is not going to serve any purpose whatsoever.

2. The Increase in Conversion Rates
It has been seen on numerous occasions that when companies choose to hire explainer video production companies, it surely aids in better and improved conversion rates. It is human psychology to opt for products and/or services of those companies that have a well-made explainer video to accompany them. With the explainer videos, customers are a lot more likely to be convinced as to how the product they are going to buy will end up serving an apt need and this gives them the incentive to go ahead and place an order.
Further, you have a lot of scope to fiddle with the explainer videos and you can even incorporate other lucrative factors in it so that your customers would readily place an order.

3. Offer the Apt Details
When you hire an explainer video production company, they know the specifics very well. This means that when they design the video for you, they would take into account all the different possibilities and make a befitting explainer video wherein the details will be listed in an articulate manner.
So, rather than fussing about the things to incorporate and the ones to omit, having a professional design the video would mean that they will aptly elaborate the details and expand the different features in a befitting manner. Of course, in the end, you should once take an overview and analyze the video right before making it live.
An explainer video should have all the key details of the products in it. Ideally, when people see the explainer video, they should be able to get the complete picture of how the product operates and related things.

4. Improved Google Listing
Whenever companies need to perform well, it is important to have a good Google ranking. Until and unless your firm is ranked at the top in Google search listings, it will be hard for you to get adequate visits and the right amount of traffic.
So, the smartest thing to do is to opt for professionals who could make befitting animated explainer video. These videos when viewed a lot of times will help you in improving the Google listings and this in turn could help your firm in getting a whole lot of traffic as well.
As per the different researches, it has been seen that those websites that seem to contain endless text and isn’t interactive are not likely to be ranked at a good position in Google. On the other hand, sites with explainer videos and other interactive elements will have less bounce rate and this will serve your need.

5. The Perfect Impression
When you are looking to increase the sales, you need to ensure that you are putting the perfect impression. One such way has to be choosing the best explainer video production company. Not all companies have an explainer video, but the ones that do enjoy the accolades.
Having a professional make the apt video would help your customers see the kind of commitment you have for your business. We have analyzed a lot of different websites and it was seen that the ones with an animated video are a lot more likely to be preferred by the customers.
Everyone likes to feel a little special and when they see that you have walked the extra mile and offer them a nicely made explainer video, it definitely creates a better impression.

6. Increase in Traffic
As a website, the kind of traffic that you get assumes gargantuan importance. Until and unless you manage to get adequate web traffic, it will be hard for you to have great sales too. This is why most websites get involved in as many different strategies as they can for the sake of pushing their traffic.
The video is an interactive element which is surely a great way of capturing the attention span of the audience. At the same time, animated explainer video is one of the best forms of video which is known to bring in the highest amount of traffic. Animation has a way of keeping the people hooked and this will allow you to ensure that you will be able to improve the traffic at your site. This, in turn, can help in better sales.

7. The Perfect Pitch
When you are looking to sell your product and/or services, it is really important to be sure that you get the perfect pitch. Until and unless, you manage to come up with a convincing pitch, it can be a little hard to convince your customers that they should avail your product and/or services.
While there are a lot of different ways of preparing a pitch, it has been seen that there is nothing that is as appealing as an explainer video. Of course, you cannot afford to compromise with this and this is the reason, companies tend to choose professionals who are well versed in the art of making good animated explainer videos.
When they put their best efforts and integrate all the key elements, it will allow them to be sure that your sales pitch will turn out to be impeccable.

8. Easy to Share
When your animated explainer videos are released, another benefit which it serves is the ease to share. You can easily share these videos on different channels and thereby increase the popularity of your products and/or services.
Of course, your audience too will have the option of sharing the videos and when you have some of the best professionals making this video, it might end up being viral as cumulative sharing can fetch you a great number of views and consequently add to your sales volume too.
So, by choosing to have videos that are easily shareable, you are opening up a possibility of massive traffic in bulk.

9. That Extra Edge
When professionals make animated explainer video, it surely adds that extra edge which can keep you above your competitors. We all know how intense the competition is and there are too many firms who are offering a similar range of products and/or services.
This is why in order to stay at the top of the game, it is important to offer a little extra and this is where the animated explainer videos will turn out to be useful. These videos will elaborate the kind of commitment which the firm has to explain to its customers the detail of the different products and sometimes this marketing move may pay off brilliantly.

10. The Immaculate Branding
There is no doubt about the fact that when you have a video production company working for your explainer video, it will help you create the apt branding that will serve your need in the best manner. They know all the elements which have to be integrated and their editing, sound background, creative elements and all other aspects are always going to be spot-on. This will ensure that the overall brand image which they will create is going to be the very best that you can ask for.
This helps in improving the reputation of your business and it can bring in larger sales and consequently improved profits.

Rather than looking at your decision of hiring explainer video production companies as an expense, think of it as an investment which can reap large dividends in the long run. You should never compromise with quality because a badly made explainer video won’t serve any need whatsoever.
The need has been felt to choose the best professionals who would make such videos that your bounce rate would fall and people will be really impressed by what you have to offer. If the video can bring in even 30% more sales, it will justify its cost and end up being a great marketing decision.

Trim Light | Cartoon Animation from Transpixel Studio on Vimeo.