10 best social media strategies to grow your business online
The term ‘Social Media’ has taken a hallowed space, the privilege that is reserved for the celebrities. In yesterday’s market place, brands didn’t engage in a dialogue with consumers. But, today the market place is about the brands and consumers speaking to each other. The internet has moved the control of brands into the consumers’ hands, and that is posing new challenges for brand owners. The online marketers can harness the power of social media to build up their brand reputation by incorporating a deliberate mix of these strategies:
1) Social Advertisement is a big and expanding market. Innovative ways to build brand reputation takes different businesses to advertise on various social media platforms such. Today brands are actively targeting social media platform for advertising.
2) Social Media provides a hangout for people where they talk about their tastes and preferences for various products. The tools they use to socialize are Facebook, Twitter and scores of other networking sites. Social Media provide a base for businesses to pick up online conversations and turn them into leads.
3) The social media can be utilised to build the online communities around aproduct. The businesses can utilize these communities for feeding in their brand updates. By engaging with the customers, the organization can understand how their product is behaving in the market. Moreover, the community members can be motivated to post their grievances and feedback for the product on the common forum. The brands can engage with the customers, providing solutions to the problems reported by them.
4) The social media can be used to broadcast an explainer video, which is a great advertising tool in promoting a company’s product or service. An explainer video helps to communicate a message powerfully to the target audience and connects with them at a deeper psychological level. As humans are incredible at remembering pictures, the explainer videos serves as a better advertising tool.
5) In a world of short attention span, the social media campaign should be swift and precise. The social media content should be designed to hook to onto the customers’ attention and persuade them in buying the product/idea/service.
6) The social media is an efficient tool to build and enhance brand reputation. It is important to put a face to your company, especially for the online businesses in which the customers have no direct contact. A social media presence helps in building the connection with the customers, which helps in customer retention, sales boost, brand popularity, and brand promotion.
7) The social media provides businesses the opportunity to engage with one another. The social media allows professionals to network and discover new avenues to collaborate. A social media platform is highly conducive to networking and provides a level playing field against the big companies.
8) The social media can be used to constantly remind the customers about a brand and its unique selling points. As the associated cost with the online media campaign is considerably low than the conventional advertisement, a company can repeat an explainer video, tweets or postsa number of times to build the brand value.
9) Social media is increasingly being consumed on mobile devices. The fact that social media advertisements can be viewed on a device people carry around with them at all times also opens up unique marketing possibilities. The geospatial location of the consumer can be utilized to broadcast the local advertisements. The local advertising is cheaper to produce than traditional ads and reach their target with impressive efficiency.
10) The social media can be utilized to let the customers talk about a brand. This not only generate a user generated content that is free of cost, but also helps the company to utilize the word-of-mouth campaigning. A happy customer is a brand’s best ambassador and a brand should keep these brand ambassadors close to itself.
Here is a video we created for a client
PersonaLabs Service | Explainer Video from Transpixel Studio on Vimeo.