
How To Create An Engaging Demo Video For Your Business

An explainer video or a demo video is a short audio visual clip created with the view of demonstrating a particular business message to its customers. The video generally begins by showing a problem and subsequently presenting its solution in an engaging manner. Such a video is characterized by the use of precise language integrated with captivating visuals.

Nowadays there is the multiple tools are available online which can downloaded almost instantly to create a demo video at home. Many individuals and small business concerns make use of such tools to convey their business messages to the intended customers.

However, if you are a business entrepreneur, it’s a good idea to hire professional explainer video production agencies for this purpose. This is because these production houses have sufficient experience as well as the expertise required to do the job in the most efficient and effective manner. Therefore, the quality of their work is far superior to that of a work done by a layperson. Furthermore they are in possession of the high end software as well as hardware infrastructure that enable them to deliver quality output which is never possible otherwise. As a result of all these inputs their job is marked by a subtle craftsmanship and a touch of genuine artistry. Needless to say, such works have greater impact and response when it comes to the conversion rate as well as sales figure.

Having a product demo video done by a professional agency includes a number of steps involving a considerable amount of time. It may be a bit difficult to believe, but it is a fact that to create an effective explainer video of a 60 second it can take a couple of months or sometimes even more. And the cost of making the same is also no less expensive. It can cost from $500 to $10000 or even more depending on different aspects such as level of details, customization, quality of the content and most importantly the average turnaround time.

Many people get shocked when they come to know the price range of making a professional explainer video and you are probably no exception. But when you get familiar with the number of steps involved in the process and the time consumed you might come out of this shocking state.
Let’s find out some details of the process in a nutshell:

Conceiving the Script through extensive Research:

A well thought script is the backbone of an effective demo video. And to make that the producer should understand the company and the product/service he/she is about to handle. This will help them to come up with a productive script.

Style of Illustration:

Often the characters depicted are the lifeblood of the demo video. And to give birth to such immortal characters, it really requires a genius mind and the ultimate experience.

Storyboard for your demo video:

The script and the illustration pattern are assembled in the storyboard which is a scene-by-scene depiction of the video in the animated form.


Based on the script put on the storyboard a voice artist records the script in the audio version. It is later on edited by the sound engineer to give it a final shape.


This is the most crucial and time taking part on which the animator works hard to make every moment a perfect one.

Sound effects:

Sound engineer mixes all the sound inputs together to create a final and impressive sound effect.Therefore an efficient demo video has to undergo all these elaborate stages to be effective. Only then a demo video becomes an engaging and effective one to serve the purposes for which it is intended.

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