Motion graphics Is the future of Content Marketing Industry

When did you last looked at an advertisement in the newspaper or magazine and gave it as much importance as the other content you were reading? Far too long ago, right? An entire page was devoted to the advertisement by a famous e-retailer but did you care to read through the deals? In all probability, the answer to this would be negative as well. So this is what most people do. Businesses have realized that traditional sources of marketing are far less effective now than in the past. Everyone is satisfied with browsing the internet and getting information there. They are happier going to any source that makes the assimilation of information easier and faster. So it is now not just important to put your presence online, but also to market your content strategically which is essentially what Content Marketing is all about. Content is not just limited to your products, services, and their features, but it also about other information that is in alignment with your products that help a potential customer to analyze, research and then make the buying decision. Having this information on your website is a wiser option rather than letting a potential customer go looking for it elsewhere and assuming they will be back to buy the product on your website!  The longer the buyer stays on your website; the tendency to eventually buy the product is much higher.

If we look at how content on the internet has evolved, one can summarize as follows. From descriptions or text articles to text or blogs assisted with videos, to use of animation and graphics, content management has now found a use in combining motion and animation into graphics. In other words, motion graphics is the combination of infographics, audio, video, animation and typography. Motion graphics can bring to life a flowchart or a process that is otherwise boring and difficult to understand through a motion graphic explainer video. The quality of the graphics used is also top notch and there couldn’t be a more visually appealing option to market your content! While our visual senses are at work, the sound effects can be equally engaging. These explainer videos when available on websites are very beneficial as they help the website get a better ranking on the search engines thereby generating more leads and eventual revenue collection!

While there are tools to produce these motion graphic videos, there are many companies that specialize in this area. Businesses can approach an explainer video production company and use their professional services rather than have an in-house team do an amateur job. Motion graphics can be used on various media apart from the internet like television and films. One of the biggest inventions is the invention of the motion picture camera in the late 1880s which could capture a series of images or action using one lens. By using more lens to capture more scenes or action, an entire movie was made; a silent movie was made! The audio came into the picture much later and an entire Film industry came about. Motion graphics is now making its place in films as well.

Business houses understand that motion graphics opens up a whole lot of opportunities in marketing their content more effectively and it will not be wrong to state that motion graphics is the future of Content Marketing Industry.

Casey | Cartoon Animation from Transpixel Studio on Vimeo.