Build Impressive Brand Recognition With Animated Business Video

Video has become such an integral part of our lives, be it on Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube and many other platforms. Videos command a very high viewership as they are easy to understand. Animated Business Video is entertaining and educating while being quite easy on the eyes.

Whiteboard, 3D animation, and 2D animation are some of the types that are used to promote your brand, product, and business.

Why are the animated videos so crucial to build your brand recognition. let’s find out here;

Quick attention Grabber

The attention span of humans is even lesser than that of a Goldfish. It is estimated to be around 8 seconds. It implies that you have just eight seconds to get the visitor to your website interested in your brand. Don’t feel defeated. By having an Animated Business Video on your landing page you will be able to get the attention of your visitor at once. This provide  you another two minutes of their attention to present your brand which is a huge gain from the initial span of 8 seconds.

Improved Conversions

Several studies have confirmed that animated business videos improve the conversion rate up to 30 percent generally. The animated videos are the perfect pitch as they are fun, easily comprehended and enjoyable too. Once the potential customer gets interested in your brand, it is quite easy to convert them.

YouTube promotion

You tube is the second largest search engine in the world and almost everyone visits it to search for their requirements. With your Animated Videos on youtube channel, you can gain visibility very quickly and be able to create widespread awareness of your brand.  

Improving the Search Engine Ranking

One of the great weaknesses in online marketing is the bounce rate of your website. When visitors leave your sites very quickly the bounce rate increases and reduce your sites worth in the search engine algorithm. When you are able to grab attention of your site visitor and hold it for longer it helps in improving your SEO score. This improves your search engine ranking and your site becomes more visible to your visitors by appearing in the first or second page when they search.   

Easy Comprehension

By creating an animated video not exceeding 2 minutes, you can present your brand and the benefits it offers to the customers.  By engaging your potential customer and explaining to them in lucid and concise terms you can convert them into the perpetual customer. Custom made animated characters, graphic features and colors build and augment your trustworthy brand image.


The primary purpose of creating and using your animated business video is because it is a perfect marketing tool. It helps in enhancing your brand image and improving your sales. It not only grabs the attention but also is a simple easy entertaining method to educate your potential customer. It also increases the ranking of your site and gets more visitors and higher conversions.