5 Industries That Could Benefit From Online Videos

It is a digital economy today and predominantly a buyer’s market. Consumers make informed decisions and it is important that business provides relevant information to influence buying resolutions. There is nothing like it for them to be able to showcase seller’s information by the help of videos as 80% of customers are online most of the time. At least 75% of buyers are influenced by videos. Online videos are short videos integrated into company’s websites or with other popular internet media like social networking sites user communities or online magazines.

Explainer videos are online videos of relevant content with a simple, humorous, matter-of-fact presentation style in 2-3 minutes. It may be with human faces or in animated formats, delivering visual treats that remains in memory. It is convenient and time saving to distribute content through an online video than by a hyperlink that takes time to read through or browse and can be shared. Cisco predicts that 80% internet viewing will be video streaming by 2019. Here we address customer community as generally online users not necessarily categorized as a desktop or mobile. These are list of only a few industries that use and could use online videos to their sales advantage.

1. Real Estate & Tourism

90% of the customers prefer to do the homework by themselves online when engaging in a real estate deal. On websites which list and facilitate buy/sell/mortgage/rentals of housing/commercial properties a seller who hosts inside out video of the property for the prospective customer tells a story from a customer’s perspective leaving no characteristic of the property showcased. It is a perfect way to exhibit what life could be for them once they move in and use the facilities.

Websites like Realtor.com is a comprehensive real estate website. Online videos of sell/buy processes, decor makeovers, along with customer testimonials add value to each of the menu service the website provides and is a huge success factor for the company. Visual aids in the form of graphs, tables of success ratio data indicate a site’s popularity. If a human realtor needs to significantly stand out among his online service competitors he could advertise with explainer videos. Websites like Tulia, have online videos of their apps services for agents as well. E.g.Trulia Insight.

The tourism industry is booming each day with the number of travelers accelerating on an unimaginable scale. An ordinary traveler would not decide to spend until they confirm all aspects of their comfort and worth of spending due to high cost involved. Mobile or web applications that facilitates holiday planning or resorts that offer holiday stays in any pricing segment can utilize the power of online videos. A 360 degrees online video tour with the right visuals gives a ‘real thing’ feeling to the decision maker while selecting a holiday resort, home stay or any other of the kind. This marketing strategy is particularly a hit with the new entrant in the travel planning segment named destination wedding.

2. Products & Service Industry

Many segments fall under this category like products: manufacturing and retail; professional/process services. With regards to product manufacturing, videos should cover why a new product has been made, what are the pain points that it replaced, what are the raw materials and processes involved. The social responsibility of the manufacturing company towards environmental and societal factors will also be of interest. How it works and do-it-yourselves demo videos help a lot in building customer satisfaction, trust and confidence in using it often and influences buying decisions. A video showing troubleshooting an electronic appliance, replacing an automobile or a farming equipment spare part will be of interest not only for the cost factor but for the intangible aspects like the distance less travelled to seek help etc. Retailers who sell anything from clothes to electronics/electrical appliances, auto- assembling furniture, stationary, consumer goods and what not can create online videos targeting the respective audience community. It gives a three-dimensional view that the viewer likes to see and adds to product credibility and builds the confidence of the online buyer.

Startups have seamlessly integrated internet technology into professional and process services. However, it is important that people are aware of its existence and benefits so that they win customer confidence over the already established competitors. Forbes says 65% of executives visit the marketer’s website and 39% call a vendor after viewing a video. Web analytical/ messaging companies like WebEngage, Crazy Egg are some recent time examples who used explainer videos to increase profit. Their lively video stories revolve around real time customer scenarios and the benefits they will in turn translate for end clients. Application/software in any realm like recruiting, smart device management, big data apps like predictive analysis etc can advertise better with videos. Trained personnel under the umbrella of self-employed category like digital photographers, event management groups, and dress designers can also use engaging online videos to publicize their talent to increase business.

3. Education
There are a variety of market segments in Education industry that can reap the benefit of using online videos. Explainer videos in education help in promoting admission to Day-care centers, K-12 schools: kindergarten through senior school, colleges and other higher learning institutes, finishing schools, training centers. Stories can be created around displaying campus and facilities, spreading awareness of the course plans they offer. Requests from institutions can also be published through the online video marketing events.

Programs tailored for employee training, e-learning product companies, educational software products for specialized learning, sessions with creative art trainers, freelance tutors (e.g. ThatTutorGuy.com), sports/fitness trainers, and inspirational speakers, etc employ explainer videos. Online videos created with a fun element will motivate students to take up new learning with interest as much as easing difficult course lectures, abstract ideas. The innumerable software applications like school activity management tools, assessment systems, technology integrating tools in education can also use online videos to strengthen their profits.

4. Medical

Medical fields still holds mystery to many with its innovations and scientific terminology. Many a time people do not understand what they hear or read about a disease or a product’s use. Online videos can easily reduce the confusion from people’s minds. It helps sales executives achieve increased sales by cutting short the time to first study the product before pitching.

Online videos can communicate illness management and treatment discussion between doctors/health care providers and patients. It can relay patient testimonials of a clinic, doctor’s services; new health care institutions, diagnostic and health check centers can use them to advertise their business. It can also be used to explain how medical devices, products and mobile apps work for all sections of end users. Pharmacology industry also uses the positives of online video for spreading awareness and cutting into the market share.

5. Nonprofits and Government agencies

It is important that the novel and noble causes taken up by a non-profit are known to the general public well so that more and more people join actively. Education and awareness of the program undertaken is the key element of success here. It is equally important that fund raising campaigns are successful in these programs. People may not contribute unless they are sure that their money is being rightly utilized. This is where online videos can come to help. I created with an emotional touch it will generate a positive response which will be beneficial to the program. It can also be useful when stories are created displaying gratitude to donors and a mention of sponsors which give them leverage as well. Integrating videos to organization’s website, presentations, campaigns and sponsor websites are helpful mechanisms to retain continuous support from participants, donors and sponsors and gain maximum awareness and reach. It is also an easy method to enable sharing information which in turn spreads awareness to an audience far and wide.

On similar lines, Government departments can also use online videos to spread awareness, educate the masses on policies, ensure process compliance and explain complex processes. Animated online videos help significantly in spreading word of their public initiatives. From a ruling party’s perspective, it is important that awareness of these schemes is spread widely as they need public cooperation for execution. This is an industry which has not fully utilized potential of online videos to get people to connect with missions yet.

Iyiusta English | Cartoon Video from Transpixel Studio on Vimeo.