5 Reasons why your App needs an App Demo Video?

App Demo Video Production

It is the 21st century and its being ruled by technology and that means Smartphones and the thousands of applications it can store. You need to create a deep impression on the customer for them for at-least remember about the app and then make them download it. The question arises that is that how do you create that “Deep Impression”. So for that, you create a Demo Video. Firstly, a Demo Video is a short creative video that educate the customer about the app and leads them to a “Call-to-action” button.

An  App Demo Video is the most appropriate way to market your application. A video itself says a thousands of words only if it is made with the correct content and intent. More than 50% customers depend on the Demo Video, thus creating value for the application.

It has been seen that people delete the old and unused applications and try out the new apps by downloading them as per their needs. Details says that online videos are 5.30 times more powerful than basic content.


Importance of having an App Demo Video

People easily relate themselves with videos because after seeing so, they connect more as compared to reading content. Information that is heard is likely to be retained only 10%, 3 days after hearing while 65% people are likely to retain an image, 3 days after watching it.

Here are few fascinating figures about online recordings from Comscore, a site which estimates online commitment and utilize.

  • 100 million web clients watch online video consistently.
  • The normal client puts in around 16 minutes and 49 seconds viewing on the web video promotions consistently.
  • 64% of site guests are bound to purchase an item in the event that they’ve seen a video about it first.
  • Demo Videos are to be considered to give highest ROI.


Benefits of using App Demo Video for your App

  1. Create Awareness– Videos have the power to create awareness all around the world with the help of social media. They also create a long lasting effect on the customers mind, irrespective of the fact they remember the brand or not. Shoppers who view video content are 1.81 times more likely to buy than non-viewers.


  1. Solve their problems– The Demo App Video gives a glimpse of what the app provides and if it’s the right thing for the customer. By seeing the app video, the customer gets idea about the application whether it would solve the problem or not. And by doing so, the customers achieve the desired results.


  1. Explains the Product– The video explains the features and benefits of the app without any complications. While the video plays you can explain the unique features of the application. It also removes the doubt that people have related to that application.


  1. The Video can be shared– Brands across the world strive to make shareable content for online marketing. A great video can be expected to be shared and thus increase the number of downloads. And the video is shared with friends and family so that they also get to try the new app.


  1. Use the Analytics to monitor– It is best to use the analytics after the video has been upload on the app store. The analytics will let us know how the demo video is performing. Improvements can also be made to the video after analysing the analytical figures. So through this the video can be made better.



It is necessary to hit all the mental triggers that are joined around the video for the customer to tap on the Call-to-action. The essential goal while planning the video for the application is that when the watchers see the video, they should have the capacity to connect with your application. So, App demo Videos are the best way to promote your application. In case you’re not utilising videos to advertise your application, you’re passing up a tremendous market opportunity. Truth be told, with an extraordinary application review video you can disclose your application to the world in under a moment.


Here is an App Demo Video that we have created for one of our clients

Juliocerne | Animated Video Company from Transpixel Studio on Vimeo.