The Role Of Videos In Account Based Marketing

Account Based Marketing or ABM is a popular term in many marketing organizations. To put it succinctly, the focus of ABM is to create awareness as well as demand within the targeted customer accounts instead of individual leads. The mentality behind this approach is more of a dart gun like. Here, you ascertain which companies are more likely to become your customers and you specifically target them with your marketing efforts.

It has been believed by the marketers present around the world that ABM is an important part of marketing efforts. The reason being, the focus of lead generation on marketing is on individual leads that doesn’t tell how exactly decision making process actually works. For instance, if your marketing focuses on attracting a single individual, there is a chance it is the wrong target if he doesn’t have the decision making influence that you need to close a deal.

ABM also focuses on advocacy. By engaging the most valuable accounts on a personal and deeper level, you convert your customers into advocates. This allows you to drive revenue by generating opportunities to cross sell, up sale, long term customer base and gain referrals. It is an exciting and beneficial opportunity for marketing organizations. So why not take it further and create a better customer base.

So, now how exactly it is helpful? Let’s take a look:

1. To create a stronger experience

Video is a more human and personal approach than other marketing means that helps in building trust. With ABM, the key is to grab the attention, hold it and induce an emotional response. You can easily explain a complex idea and tell visual stories in simple and quicker manner with the help of videos.

2. Interesting uses of video

There are a lot of different ways to use the videos to achieve your ABM goals. So, let’s get started:

  • Personalized Video Email – You can go a lot further with videos. Personalize your videos with viewer’s related content such as their name, company name or logo to attract and hold their unwavering attention. Emails with personalized videos or images see about 250% to 700% increase lift in click through rates. It is basically all about engaging your audience and building a powerful and personal experience.
  • Email Nurture Campaigns – With the help of videos, you can leverage your already created content. Increase the engagement and excitement of your static image or simply text based message. Make it more fun by adding Explainer Videos, product demos and testimonials in your videos.
  • Direct Mail – Create custom video cards and ship them through direct mail to your target audience. Your customers can hold it in their hands, watch the video and connect to you!
  • Video Engagement – The key to a sturdy ABM program is engagement data. It gives you an idea of who is watching, what has been watched and how long a video has been watched. This kind of data can give your CRM or sales team an insight into who is engaging the most and when. With a follow up, this information can be used to close the deals.

Make an effective use of your account based marketing program with the help of videos. If you are looking for a video or Animation Production Company, contact us or take a look at our variety of applications here.

Sageworks | Explainer Video from Transpixel Studio on Vimeo.