12 big video marketing tips to promote your next explainer video

Production and Promotion are two sides of the product sales ‘coin’. Recent time product marketing has seen wide usage of online videos as a marketing tool. Its production and promotion has to be pursued differently though the idea appears same. Not just a company, but many industries has submitted to the fact that the internet is a medium that can boost sales. Quality online video productions available in there help achieve this. Promoting your explainer video or online video such that it reaches the maximum number of viewers will help increasing the sales conversion of your product. Effective video marketing will be bound by many factors such as these below:

1. Relevant Story In Video – The WOW Factor

Sustain interest so that the viewer watches the video keenly. Let them not be distracted or feel bored that they drop-off half way watching the video. Let the story be colorful and maintain a cheerful mood. The message should be clear, crisp and striking. A company selling a Wi-Fi router can weave a story around a customer running a restaurant. Having set up the router he can see a steady increase in his customers coming in. He can access his billing, ordering system as well as let his customers enjoy the benefit of Wi-Fi usage. It will also increase referrals coming to the restaurant. The features of the router like the speed, connectivity support, etc, can also be explained through the story. It should depict a real business scenario than a mere product explanation. A good story is a useful tool for powerful video marketing.

2. Where Are You Posting It?

Deciding the most popular video sharing community helps in a big way in reaching maximum potential viewers and in turn customers. It is also necessary to interlink all your online channels like company website, social media pages, email signatures, YouTube pages to increase the subscriber number to get to watch the explainer video. Since YouTube is the largest video sharing community now and a top video search engine it goes a long way in video marketing as it automatically gives the product a top ranking on Google search. Video is preferred to text so uploading it at the right place so that it gets maximum attention is important. Explainer videos on your product website in a position that hit’s viewer’s visibility well is important. It should have an enticing play button that the potential customer does not pass the website without clicking it. Pointers should be directing them to the video very clearly, use arrow marks or bold colors. Do not restrict videos to YouTube alone; spread it as far as other video directories like Metacafe, Videoweed, Vidbux, Twitch and many other.

3. Content Presentation

Online videos are meant to create proper awareness of the product or company and help increase sales and online visibility. A little research analyzing the needs of the target market will help to understand how to go about characterization in the story. Creativity is a key element that has to be blended to provide information sought best. Using apt animation characters will enhance or enrich the quality of your explainer video. The fun ingredient should always be retained in full form. Hook your prospective customer’s attention span that it creates a good will factor and gets maximum share. There is nothing like a ‘viral’ word-of mouth advantage. Story should pay around emotions and people will be able to relate to real life characters they can believe in. They would want to see experiences narrated through the characters used. Stories excite, challenge and motivate people to actions and decisions. Content is the King. Nobody watches lengthy video so make sure the length does not exceed 3 minutes. Let the design be aesthetic with few colors and fonts. Use testimonials that people can connect with. Nothing like getting to believe when real people speak good about you. The audio in the content should be relevant to the characters, not quacky or confusing. Make it pleasant and clear if animated. If the video is meant to be a product demo, use a professional voice which gives a good effect to the video. High definition video is highly recommended to promote your video well.

4. Thumbnail Image

There is nothing less charming than a welcoming smile. Best results will be obtained if it is used on your explainer video. Let it have other images, text or whiteboard background and it should bear a human smiling image embedded as well. This will be a driving factor that determines whether a viewer opens a video or not. People relate among themselves so a human smiling face as a thumbnail on your explainer video will win you more viewers who play the video. Go on in, pin up the best smile!

5. Online Sharing Community SEO

If uploading the online video on a sharing community like YouTube, it is important to optimize it as it is also the second largest search engine now. This can be done by including the video filename properly instead of only giving importance to an elaborate description. These are integral elements of the meta tags for optimization. Other ways to aid video search engine optimization are including a transcript in the video to skim content. The video url should have the word ‘video’ and submitting a site map of the video to Google.

6. Engage With Others

As much as you want your video liked and shared by others, you should communicate on others’ pages often. With likes, comments or shares or being followers on other’s pages, you can promote yourself. A potential viewer might look up your profile from your comments list and this will be a useful marketing method to attract more followers to your profile or video link. Videos on your blogs are liked very much by readers. It helps to increase reading time from eight minutes to at least more than 2 minutes. You can also request people on your contact list or whom you come across on social media or online to share or spread the word of your video. No harm asking! Engage with viewers on your website in some form or other, either through feedback collection or voice. This will help expand your customer base to a larger extent.

7. Employ The Method Of ‘Suggestion Box’

Having your video be tagged on in others’ videos as if into a suggestion list will be a productive video marketing technique. It is time consuming as first you will have to view others’ videos then insert your video url as a suggestion. The search engine will list your video in to the suggested video list according to the number of increased views. It appears as if you are creating a co-view web list.

8. A Call To Action In Your Video

An important video marketing method to promote your video is to provide a call to action button in at least the first 30 seconds segment of the video where a link or a suggestion box or a redirection or a download works. This will gain the potential customer’s attention to another location advertising more of your product. This will retain the potential viewer on your product page, capture their interest or expectation. This is information gained which you may reuse later. Providing a share button should not be overlooked and definitely be present in the video. There can also be links to click; these are the backlinks which, when clicked helps search engine to rank your pages higher.

9. The Idea Of A Local Global Product
Include subtitles to the content so that product gets a local feel. It helps reduce the bridge between you and the market. At least viewers in the target market will share it to contacts in another market as well or vice-versa. If there are interested buyers, they will look for means to source your products locally too.

10. Newsletter Campaign

Incorporating explainer videos into the potential business email database is a good video marketing to expand customer reach. The click-through rates of videos increase more than 65% when used in business emails with subject ‘video’. It also helps reduce subscribers by 25% and open rates by 20%. Using a video thumbnail along the email increases click-through rate at least 300%. If you can design your campaign such that you have a follow up mechanism in place with a representative calling up the prospective customer you can be assured of some positive response.

11. Offer Campaigns On Social Media

Who can resist a freebie offer? Run a giveaway offer campaign and also motivate people to share news, others will automatically fall in to check your company website. There your explainer video can go about the service or product details.

12. Spread Video On Online Communities

Online video can be posted or shared on business communities, job communities like LinkedIn, Reddit and Twitter Chat created relevant to your industry. It is an engaging way to converse with different people trying to gather information of similar product or service. Your product can be leveraged well on such communities. Prospective customers beyond your target will also be among the viewers and it is a good technique of successful video marketing. Info video blogs also go a long way as part of video marketing as there is a much higher chance that people will come back again and again to check back on latest videos. The key factor to keep in mind is to maintain consistency in time and quality while updating video content.

Oglas | 2D Explainer Video from Transpixel Studio on Vimeo.