15 Ways To Instantly Increase Your Conversion Rate

It is a universal truth that adopting the right marketing trend lands a business in a better position. The winning mantra need only centre around how best the decided strategy works to gain the attention of the passer-by customer that he becomes a paying customer. Among recent marketing trends are the likes of using social media, having a responsive website, capitalizing on target advertising, channelizing SEO and content marketing, event marketing and last but not the least visual media marketing. Under this segment, online videos or explainer videos top the list for making a value statement. Survey from various sources show that at least 85-90% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product if they come across an explainer video first. If a video story gets etched in the mind of the customer he may be tempted to come back and view it again or share it. Interestingly 92% of online customers who view video on mobile share it. Thus such customers in turn also become brand ambassadors of the business. Let us take a look at what are the different ways of instantly increasing conversion rates by using explainer videos, these ways may not necessarily be in order of result numbers.

1. Present Online Video On Your Website

When videos are embedded on websites, there is high probability that visitors remain on the site as long as they view the video fully. This triggers the search engine’s website popularity parameter and enables the site to be listed in its keyword search top rankings. An interesting statistic is that there is 53% chance to show up first in Google listing if video is embedded on website. Hence the effort should be to create eye catching effective online videos which attract and retain customer attention. This in turn directs prospective customer traffic. This is the reason why Google bought YouTube.

2. Prioritising Your Explainer Video On Website

Adding video on the home page of your website gives instant results nowadays since customers do not have the time or patience to sift though reading material i,e. the many pages of the website. Reduced homepage content with an effective explainer video can increase conversion rates up to 80%. The 2011 virtual storage startup Dropbox employed this trend successfully and many others follow now. Customers who view business websites on smart device users have also increased considerably, so it is important to place the video at the right place.

3. Decide Other Appropriate Places To Upload Your Online Video

You have to make a right decision as to where video should be uploaded for ensuring brand awareness, capturing customer attention, enhancing sales and acquiring customer loyalty. Apart from your websites, a customer community is a right place to start with. Prospective and existing customers visit the community page where there will be constant discussions on how-to-s, Q&As, reviews and ratings such that the customer interacts with the business and themselves. Positive tangible benefits can be expected. This is also the right place to understand a customer w.r.t age, gender, income groups or interests that will help plan future marketing promotions. Post purchase service options like troubleshooting guides, additional accessory enquiries can also be managed here. Hence uploading suitable videos in this forum related to these factors helps to increase conversion rates and also generate cross-selling revenue. Create a community if it does not already exist. Inserting videos on webinars, hosting self-produced videos on popular video platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Wisita or on Amazon, Netflix etc. are also helpful.

4. Insert Video Ads Along With Other Non-marketing Online Video Content

Among the existing online video segment types viewed – over 30% is each comedy, news and music apart from the video ad content. There are chances that having video ad inserted into these segments increases customer engagement by 22-24%.

5. Insert A Form For Lead Capture In The Video Early

Recent trends indicate that usage of data capturing mechanism when employed on video content enables channelizing your leads effectively to drive conversion rates. Data collection by means of form entry, survey, questionnaires boosts lead engagement and qualifying leads. Have a conversational mode in the video as if addressing them and request response in comments boxes. Video hosting platform Wisita’s Turstile is a very effective tool that enables implementing according to many users. It is best utilized when inserted in the first 10-20% of the video and conversion rate goes up as high as more than 40%. On an average you can obtain 15% conversion if data capture is planned anywhere after 10% of the video content.

6. Inclusion In Content Marketing

Capitalize content marketing avenues like – post videos on online magazines or community blogs, create video blogs where your video has a high chance of viewership among the repository etc. Employ a call-to-action button at the end of videos and you will see positive conversion results.

7. Plan Your Theme Appropriately

Plan the theme such that it plays on the psychological connect when trying to drive the purpose of the product. The video displays should trigger an impulse to buy. Making it interactive, adventurous or self-exploring can also yield result. Philips released a video for one of their razor products such that actions are prompted on the video that he follows and gets a feeling of how it would to use it. A customer may be tempted even more to buy, seeing the consequent results live on screen. Reebok posted a video of a women’s run campaign through different age cycles. The message conveyed was that the brand attends to the customer throughout their needs cycle. Twisting the plot with unpredictable outcomes keeps the viewer hooked until the end that they end up watching the full video.

8. Insert A Smiling Human Face

Plan the thumbnail with a smiling human face than plain text in the video. Human mind is happy to see a pleasant warm smile; it conveys openness, friendliness and builds trust. It is a factor that helps elevate video play and conversion rates.

9. Craft The Video With Apt Script/Content

If more than 75% businesses can vouch that incorporating an online video as part of marketing strategy helped drive their sales, at least 74% online users confirm that watching a product explainer video influenced their decision to buy. This is because they were happy about the crisp clear relevant content as much as an FAQ or demonstration provided in the video. It should also instill trust of the product or service. This enables conversion. Content should be scripted keeping in mind customer acquisition process through customer service, support and introduction of new products and services. A research on these lines will reveal the gaps in your current value propositions. Address the gaps and in parallel you may choose to address opportunities to carry out internal transformations.

10. Have Lively Characters In Content

In animated videos, the fun element should not be forgotten in the script. For the online video should be entertaining such that the viewer likes it very much to endorse and distribute it further. If not they drop off mid-way. It acts like a referral when received from a trusted source like one’s own contact.

11. Create Responsive Design

Explainer videos can create an impact on viewer’s mind with its characters, colors, animations, music and script. Whether you design videos in human conversational or animated forms presentation style with earthly images and good audio will be liked best. Generally creating an online video involves a lot of cost if outsourced to professionals, cost can be managed if some aspects are managed in-house. It is very important to keep in mind that smart phone users are increasing 100% each year and by 2018, tablet video viewers will account for average 80% percent of all digital video viewers overall. Hence video design should be impressively responsive. It is important that the valuable money spent reaps the expected increase in conversion rate.

12. Include Email Marketing Campaigns

We all know and agree online videos are practical means to increase conversion; such is the power of video. It triggers an uncontrollable urge in the viewer to open and view it. How you make it and use it effectively will directly translate its ability to increase rate of conversion. Mentioning the word ‘video’ in subject lines, or click on video in the content body etc. of emails can easily trigger 200-250% higher click to view results. Sending out personalized video messages on emails is the latest in-thing and has helped several businesses to increase conversion. This works very well especially for service companies. Bamboo HR gives credit to this technique very well. It creates an instant connect and makes your customer feel as if there is a genuine caring for their need and they will come forward for enquiry and discussion.

13. List Benefits Not Features

The benefits or pain points that has been overcome over a competitor or previous version of the product is interesting information that consumer likes to hear so that they contemplate buying. Providing this kind of information easily drives attention to a video. This aspect if incorporated in your video will fetch increased conversion rates from list of leads. Consumers are not interested to know how a product works, what it does etc. first for they will worry about it only after they buy it.

14. Pay Attention To Buffering Time Of Online Video

If a video stalls in between, a customer loses interest. 4 out of every 5 viewer will display this behavior. It is very imperative to pay attention to the loading time taken for a video after a click. Keep it minimal as low as 2-3 seconds. Avoid lengthy videos as viewers generally move away from those longer than a minute. This will ensure your viewership count does not reduce and you get all benefits from the count.

15. Feed Your Online Video Viewership Data With Market Automation Tools

It will help to utilize the knowledge acquired on the viewership numbers. Determine the percentage of viewers of your video; feed the different findings into marketing automation platforms like Hubspot, Pardot or Marketo etc. Target the higher viewership category identified, prompt the less viewership segment with incentives to increase their viewership. This will help to strengthen the leads list to accelerate conversions.

Video will be on the forefront of online marketing and its success will be at its best in coming years when made app index and smart wearable ready to leverage the maximum benefit.

JobGPS | Animated Video from Transpixel Studio on Vimeo.