5 tips for creating a landing page video that converts

With the explosion of rich content on the internet, the attention span of the humans has been decreasing steadily.Though contentious, it is widely believed that the ‘gold fish’ has the lowest attention span,which is in the range of 2-3 seconds. Not far in the future, the humans would leavebehind the ‘gold fish’toclaim the title of ‘specie with the lowest attention span’.

The landing page videos are designed to hook to a customers’ attention and lure them in buying the product/idea/service. In a world of short attention span,the time taken by landing page videos to grab customers’ attention shouldn’t exceed the human attention span. Therefore, it requires a deliberate effort to design a landing page video that can grab the attention of a potential audience in about 2-3 seconds.

1) Have you ever wondered the reason auto-mobile companies hire the models to advertise their vehicles? They are not in the business of glamour.
The models hook onto the attention of potential customers and lead them to explore the product in detail. Similarly, the first few seconds of a landing page video are crucial to build the interest of customers and lead them to watch the video at length. The preview image and the caption are the features of a landing page video that hook onto the customers’ attention and lead them to spend 1-2 minutes in watching the video.In addition, humor can be placed strategically at the start of the video to build a rapport with the customers.

2) As the name suggests, the landing page should be the first place in a web page where the customer lands, but it shouldn’t become the final destination. The landing page video should provide interesting avenues for the audience to surf to the next nugget of information.A visitor to a website is much more likely to click on the video than off the video.The landing page video can also have call to actionasking the customer to share the video or subscribe to the channel.Depending on kind of campaign, a company can host the landing page video on their website or hire a professional paid video host, such as Wistia,Vimeo, Vzaar, Viewbix and Vidyard.


3) Shorter is not always bad
The landing page video should not be more than 1-2 minute. The limit on the landing page video length makes the task of video production company a tad tougher. The video production team needs to come up with a tight and engaging script with a clear message. For designing a landing page video that converts, the content writer needs to cut the chaff and directly come to the point. The video production company can even engage in story boarding the concept before getting into the thick of production.

4) The landing page videos are often shared on networking sites and broadcasting platforms. These sites are compatible with smart phone application and thus provide a wider audience for a website. To leverage these possibilities, the production company should choose between appropriate video formats that are easy to buffer, and compatible with various mobile and PC platforms.

5) The landing page video should collect the feedback from the viewers to assess its reputation, the features raved by the consumers and the ones ranted by them.A company can use the landing page video to engage with the customers and persuade them to feed in their inputs, complaints or appreciations about the product.
Obviously, the tips highlighted above require dedicated time, money, and energy. But considering the benefits that the landing page video can accrue for a company, the effort will be worth it!


Here is an example of  a video we created for our clients